Fake, Fakier, Fakiest? Who is going to Eventually Win the Race?

Fake, Fakier, Fakiest? Who is going to Eventually Win the Race?


QuoteUnquote with KK and Prof Salvatore Babones, American Author, Sociologist , China Expert, Associate Professor @ University of Sydney and Founder Indian Century Roundtable (ICR) Think Tank https://www.indiancentury.org/

In this podcast we discuss the fake narrative on economic, population, societal transformation, supply chain decoupling, labour and unemployment, control over private enterprises, technology, environmental issues, dedolarisation, digital currency, political narrative, negative propaganda, global dominance and iron fist between China under Authoritarian Xi Xinping and Democratic India under Fascist Modi using the PESTC framework and who will win the global race?  

What is Fake, Fakier, Fakiest?

Fake News | Kapil Khandelwal KK

With PM Modi in Sydney


Prof Salvatore Babones Meeting With PM Modi in Sydney
Prof Salvatore Babones Meeting With PM Modi in Sydney

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The Future of Indo-US Relations. Growing Positively by ‘Quad’rapuling


QuoteUnquote with KK and Dr. Mukesh Aghi, President and CEO, US-India Strategic Partnership Forum where we discussed Trump arrest, India’s NATO membership, US Visa issues, geo politics, trade, investment and fostering a growth-oriented relationship between the two countries.

Bidenomics and Pivoting Indo-US Geopolitics and Investments

Bidenomics | Kapil Khandelwal KK

Previous Podcasts

Asian Trade and Geo Politics in the Face of Russia-Ukraine Conflict

QuoteUnQuote with KK and Dr. Parag Khanna Founder & Managing Partner of FutureMap and Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum www.paragkhanna.com

World in Biden Era – Indo-US Relations, Geopolitics and Investments

QuoteUnquote with KK and Sridhar Chityala, Chairman and Managing Partner Elevate Innovation Partners. He is a thought Leader on Indo-US GeoPolitics, Trade and Investments and globally recognized leader in the financial services industry on the future of Indo-US ties