Growing India’s Artificial Intelligence Ai X-tiple Times

Growing India’s AI X-tiple Times
Growing India’s AI X-tiple Times


After, ChatGPT has taken the world by storm after it was launched on 30 November last year. Sam Altman the founder of OpenAi who was the developer himself warned to the US Senate Committee that if gone unregulated how it would fall in wrong hands and create havoc for the world and that all the countries of the world should regulate AI for its development and use. In June when he visited India, at an event in Delhi, Sam Altman was asked whether three Indian engineers with $10 million could build something similar to OpenAI. In response, Altman said it was “hopeless” for a young team from India with limited resources to build a foundational artificial intelligence model similar to OpenAI.

QuoteUnquote with KK and Authors of AI Rising – India’s Artificial Intelligence Growth Story : Leslie D’Monte and Jayanth N Kolla Leslie debunk this and discuss how India can move forward from mobile first to AI first nation.


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AI Rising : India's Artificial Intelligence Growth Story
AI Rising : India’s Artificial Intelligence Growth Story

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By Kapil Khandelwal KK

Popularly known as Father of ‘Quant Offshore Hedge Fund Investing’ in India amongst the Hedge Fund Managers in India and abroad, Kapil has earned recognition to be amongst the few handful Indians approved by the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) approved board members’ list to serve the boards of funds, banks and financial institutions. He is a successful angel investor, venture capitalist and expert in health sciences, education, agri, clean tech and information communications and technology (ICT). KK runs a popular podcast QuoteUnQuote With KK

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