Budget 2022: When is Healthcare’s Amrit Kaal Coming?

Budget 2022


On 1 February 2022, our Hon. Finance Minister presented her fourth budget in the Parliament and introduced the “Amrit Kaal” in Point 4 of her speech, “we are marking Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, and have entered into Amrit Kaal, the 25-year-long leadup to India@100. Hon’ble Prime Minister in his Independence Day address had set-out the vision for India@100.”

Point 5 of the Budget Speech outlined the vision for Amrit Kaal, “By achieving certain goals during the Amrit Kaal, the government aims to attain the vision. They are:

  • Complementing the macro-economic level growth focus with a micro-economic level all-inclusive welfare focus,
  • Promoting digital economy & fintech, technology enabled development, energy transition, and climate action, and
  • Relying on virtuous cycle starting from private investment with public capital investment helping to crowd-in private investment.

The Finance Minister has envisioned to develop ‘sunrise opportunities’ such as artificial intelligence, genomics, and pharmaceuticals to assist sustainable development and modernise the country. However, this is more on the supply side industrial development. But the core issue of healthcare infrastructure is not addressed. Envisioning the Indian population which we would like to be a healthy one by 2047 when we enter India@100. I believe that Budget 2022 missed out a huge opportunity in envisioning Healthcare 2047! Here are my reasons.

Current Undergoing Transformation in Healthcare

The country has undergone a tough time during the pandemic. The Government has played its enabling role in ensuring the supply chain disruptions with China does not lead into a health crisis of sorts. On the other hand, the funding of Covid-Vaccine and immunization has ensured that the country emerges quickly into an endemic phase of Covid pandemic. While this was going on, there was strengthening and upgrade of the digital health infrastructure. The pandemic has also taught lessons to the private healthcare delivery ecosystem to restructure their business models and ensure that there is a push toward lower costs healthcare delivery models. These transformations have demonstrated India’s resilience in its healthcare systems to face emergency situations like the current pandemic.  

India’s Amrit Kaal’s Population Demographics

As the chart below demonstrates that India’s population by 2047 will be shifting towards middle age bulge. Over 300 million (~19% of the total population) will be senior citizens by 2047. Our dependency ratio will be around 40%. These 40% will be in the tax paying bracket which will provide the then Finance Minister in 2047 the revenues to spend for different welfare programs including healthcare.

India's Population Pyramid Shifts to 2047
India’s Population Pyramid Shifts to 2047

Lessons from Elsewhere in the World

In early 2000, I was involved in restructuring the healthcare systems of Saudi Aramco. Being the largest oil producer in the world, the company had been underfunding the pension and healthcare benefits of their employees who were going to be retiring in the future. The financing of these healthcare benefits created a financial crisis of sorts which have to be funded.

USA has also being facing such challenges when its baby boomers have now become unproductive senior citizens and their total healthcare bill is currently 18% of their GDP.

Vision for India’s Amrit Kaal Healthcare Delivery to Avoid Maha Kaal

As per current estimates, our country requires USD 400 billion of investments in healthcare infrastructure on our current demography to meet the global norms. There are no allocation in the current National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) funding for healthcare. Therefore much of the investment will be private sector driven in the future for healthcare infrastructure.

Such experiences elsewhere in the world remind me that our Amrit Kaal in 2047 does not end up as Maha Kaal of our Amrit Kaal where we would have to look up to Indian Gods who were invoked to end the situation. There have been several demands in the last few budget to accord infrastructure status to the healthcare industry. The current budgetary allocations to healthcare all though increasing has not been sufficient to build capital formation for healthcare infrastructure in the country. From the current 2.5% of GDP, there needs to broaden the spend on healthcare. We need the real picture of the input and outputs in healthcare. With the current GST regime of zero tax on healthcare services, we are not able to gather the real value of healthcare in the country and healthcare should be under minimum GST slab so that there is pass through benefits of the inputs that are set off. This will lead to a lot of transparency and provide real hard estimates of healthcare spend of the country.

Assuming by 2047 our dependency ratio will be lower than today. Which means that the total taxpaying population in 2047 may be same as today or even lower. There needs to be a plan to ensure that current taxes from the current population who will become senior citizens by 2047 will be underfunded like in the examples that I have mentioned below, leading into a budgetary crisis.

In all earnest, given the current constraints the current budget 2022 could do so much for healthcare. But now that the Amrit Kaal is out of the bag, there needs adequate focus to healthcare to avoid healthcare Maha Kaal in 2047 when we enter India@100.

2022: Healthcare and Life Sciences Investment Outlook

2022: Healthcare and Life Sciences Investment Outlook

Since 2013 our algos have been accurately predicting the investment heatmap in the healthcare and life sciences in India which were predicting with 95% accuracy on the sectoral investment cycle in India till the end of 2019. Since the Covid Pandemic in 2020 we lowered levels of prediction accuracy like we started back in 2013. While we worked on the Heat Map for 2022, we realized that every new wave of Covid is like a black swan event and raises the uncertainty and reduces the accuracy of the predictions with a reset. For 2021, we released two sets of heat maps, one for the healthcare and life sciences sub sectors and another for the States. Since the Central Government took the mantle of immunization, the need for updating state-wise heat map for 2022 is not relevant and not much data is being updated except for the electioneering noise and promises by political parties and immunization achieved.

2022: A Year of Consolidation and Tempering Expectations

2021 was the record year since 2013 when we started tracking the healthcare and lifesciences investments. The investments across the board was the highest, with the maximum number of IPOs and M&A activity, with over USD 2.2 Bn in funding across all the sectors in 2021. Some of the investment activity we predicted for 2022 preponed to 2021 due to positive investor and market sentiments and uncertainty of the future waves of Covid. Therefore, 2022 is a year of consolidation and tempering the tempo of investments.  

2022 Outlook
2022 India Healthcare and Life Sciences Investment Heat Map

 Let’s relook at the board trends for 2022 in terms investment activity and trends.

Healthcare Financing

2021 was an all time-high for healthcare financing sector. However, recent clamp down of Chinese funded consumer financing fintechs is going to temper down the healthcare financing sector. Health Tourism related funding is only going to take off in Q3. Consolidation activity to slow down.

  • 2022 Outlook: Hot
  • What’s going wrong: regulation clamp down, right bite for the consumers, reach and penetration, higher debt financing costs, slower non-discretionary and elective healthcare spend, delaying of healthcare spend and health tourism, new wave restrictions, shortage of digital workforce
  • What’s going right: India stack digitisation, consumer borrowing to spend on non-electives, immediate gratification, reduced household savings supplemented by borrowings

Medical Education

Key shortages of healthcare frontline workers was very apparent during 2021 Covid Crisis. The need for regulatory regime to upskills is still being reworked. Healthcare could be the key job creator. Regulatory reforms are urgently required to push digitization and newer business models for upskilling existing workforce. Churn in ownership of assets due to consolidation activity will continue albeit at a slower pace.

  • 2022 Outlook: Hot
  • What’s going wrong: regulation, corruption, no vision, skill shortages, alignment to new age care, increasing debt burden, new age skills certification, funding dry up
  • What’s going right: skill demand, digitisation   

Med Tech Innovation and Life Sciences Discovery and Clinical Development

India has proven to be the vaccine supplier to the world in 2022. Capacity creation and new product development will continue. Dependence on Chinese supply chain will reduce further as alternatives are developed indigenously. Expect a few IPOs this year in this sector. Government grant funding will temper down.

  • 2022 Outlook: Hot
  • What’s going wrong: innovation pipeline, IP regulation, regulatory bottlenecks on clinical development, newer skill sets for research and acceleration, Government grants and funding slow down
  • What’s going right: Human capital, cost advantage, emerging social innovation models, lower dependence on Chinese supply chain

Pharma and Therapeutic Solutions

M&A and consolidation activity was at a record high since 2016. Shortage of digital workers will slow down the digital transformation activity. As China substitution and supply chain threats mitigate, the Government will temper down their PLI support as well

  • 2022 Outlook: Hot
  • What’s going wrong: price controls, policy log jam, wrong product portfolio, innovation and scale up, global or China-level cost competitiveness, exit of PLI incentives, shortage of skilled digital workforce
  • What’s going right: cost advantage, distribution infrastructure, digital business models, Government incentive programs

Healthcare Providers

Funding costs will zoom up and will make access to long-term capital dearer. Huge churn in asset ownership and consolidation activity will continue. Digital transformation activity will slow down due to skill shortages

  • 2022 Outlook: Moderate
  • What’s going wrong: margin pressures, price controls, GST slabs rationalization on inputs, execution of programs on the ground, PPP in healthcare, supply and demand mismatch in micromarkets, debt financing costs, gun powder churn, operating cash runway, liquidity and working capital crunch
  • What’s going right: Digital business models augmentation, asset-lite models

Healthcare Insurance

The IPOs in 2021 in the sector have created uncertainty in valuation and investor sentiment. The sector will continue to grow as it did in 2021. Digital push and intermediation will be the key to growth.

  • 2022 Outlook: Hot
  • What’s going wrong: product fit to consumer needs, product approvals, loss ratios, operating cash runway, human capital reduction, consumer offtake and demand, IPOs pricing and valuation
  • What’s going right: Consumer demand, digitisation 

Health Retail

The major consolidation of the health retail after hectic M&A activity of 2021 will slow down the decibel levels of consumer discounts and offers to focus on generating healthy bottom lines. Only one major IPO expected in 2022.

  • 2022 Outlook: Moderate
  • What’s going wrong: regulation, consolidation, slower consumer spending, excess funding for GMV and operating cash runway
  • What’s going right: Consolidation, newer cross-vertical innovative business models, profitability focus


2021 was the highest growth year in the last 10 years on the back of discretionary consumer spending on wellness. Digital business model innovation is still lagging behind. Medical wellness tourism will be recover in Q3 of 2022. M&A activity and consolidation to continue in 2022 but at a slower pace. Corporate Wellness spends to continue to fuel growth in 2022

  • 2022 Outlook: Very hot
  • What’s going wrong: regulation, maturity to scale, new mass market business models
  • What’s going right: newer cross-vertical innovative business models, corporate wellness spending

Alternative Therapies

Newer products and therapies that have accessed funding in 2021 will continue to fuel growth and investments. Adoption of alternative therapies into mainstream allopathic as complementary treatment is going to accelerate. Newer product development and business models is the key to sustained growth and success in 2022

  • 2022 Outlook: Hot
  • What’s going wrong: maturity to scale, consumer education and confidence, clinical research, new product development, inflated valuation,  over capitalization and cash burn to gain market share
  • What’s going right: discretionary consumer spending, newer cross-vertical innovative business models, mainstream complementary treatment.

Let’s wish that there are no further variants and waves in 2022 for any black swarm events for affecting investor sentiments.

Happy investing and stay safe!

Kapil Khandelwal is Managing Partner of Toro Finserve LLP, India’s First Healthcare Infrastructure Fund and Director EquNev Capital Pvt Ltd.

Who is Twitter to Adjudicate Life Sciences Opinion?

Who is Twitter to Adjudicate Life Sciences Opinion?


I had written in my blog Ban Twitter | Kapil Khandelwal (KK) last year as Twitter refused to follow Indian regulations and also muzzle certain sections of religious and political voices and opinion from India by banning or suspending their twitter handle. Under the leadership of the New CEO, Twitter seems to be adjudicating opinion on Life Sciences and that too experts. The latest controversial account suspension is of Dr. Robert Malone.  

Who Is Dr Robert Malone? Robert W Malone MD (rwmalonemd.com)

Malone is the father of mRNA vaccines. mRNA is the same technology used in COVID vaccines by Pfizer, J&J, etc in the US. He has served as an adjunct associate professor of biotechnology at Kennesaw State University, and he co-founded Atheric Pharmaceutical, a company that was contracted by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in 2016. Malone has long been an outspoken critic of the global COVID vaccine rollout, warning of the risks of a rushed release and saying normal procedures have not been followed throughout the process. He has been crusading to stop vaccines from being mandated for children, and to stop corruption in the government and the medical-industrial complex and pharmaceutical industries.

He had over half a million followers on his Twitter account. On 27 December 2021, his account was permanently suspended for not adhering to Twitter’s Covid 19 misinformation policy.

He can still be followed via his substack page.

Muzzling Divergent Scientific Opinion on Social Media

As this pandemic is playing out, the so called official expert spokesperson of the US Government have been proven time and again how wrong they have been in guiding the public. In fact on of the experts and advisor to the US President, had gone on to rubbish the work of our scientist at IIT Delhi who published that they discovered four insertions in the spike glycoprotein of the Covid-19 virus which they say are not present in other coronaviruses. These experts have been using social media to guide or misguide the masses. As a result, the public opinion on the official experts is now suspect and individuals now want to assess both sides of the scientific views before excessing their personal judgement.

Twitter does not possess scientific material peer reviewers to state whether a certain scientific opinion is valid or not. It can at most highlight as not peer reviewed by a wider scientific community. This sort of baning scientific expert opinion is a dangerous trend. In future, the big-pharma can short change the scientific community’s opinion by muzzling their voices and views on social media. For the individuals who are interested in knowing the scientific voices will have to now put pressure for a much open, unbiased  social media to allow for alternative scientific views to emerge.

The Oracle Returns



On December 20, 2021, Oracle Corporation and Cerner Corporation jointly announced an agreement for Oracle to acquire Cerner through an all-cash tender offer for $95.00 per share, or approximately $28.3 billion in equity value. Cerner is a leading provider of digital information systems used within hospitals and health systems to enable medical professionals to deliver better healthcare to individual patients and communities.

My Tryst with Cerner and Oracle Along with My Journey

Cerner has been a leader in the health information systems since it was founded as PGI & Associates (after its three founders Patterson, Gorup and Illig) who quit their jobs from Accenture (then Arthur Andersen) in 1980s.  I had the chance to work closely with Neil Patterson when Cerner expanded outside of US in Gulf region with the implementation at Saudi Aramco (now Saudi Aramco-John Hopkins) in early 2000s.

During the same time, I had worked with Oracle leadership in the Gulf region on several roll outs in the Government sector.

In early 2000s, Saudi Aramco, world’s largest producer of crude oil was migrating from mainframe environment and had embarked on world’s largest big bang implementation of SAP and corporate performance improvement program in the world. To migrate and manage its in-house healthcare delivery to its employees, contractors and their dependents in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and overseas, the choice was between SAP Healthcare and Cerner. Neil Patterson, the co-founder of Cerner made multiple visits to Dharan, the headquarters of Saudi Aramco to pitch and win the first major implementation overseas. That’s was the beginning of my personal friendship with Neil. As Neil would visit Dharan on quarterly steering body meetings, we would share a quiet dinner and discuss his vision about Cerner and his international growth initiatives before he boarded his private jet to Kansas City. Over the years, Cerner witnessed major growth outside of the US, including some inorganic growth acquisitions like Siemens HMIS and starting their offshore development centers in Bangalore, the largest base after Kansas City. Unfortunately, Neil succumbed to cancer in 2017. I lost a fantastic friend and mentor forever who had guided me in my career at different points in time.

While at KPMG Consulting in the Gulf, I made several bids with Oracle to the various governments in the Gulf. Oracle was great with their database and their product architecture; their major issue was that they lack clinical prowess to manage healthcare either in hospitals or with state healthcare. It was around this time that I was associated with Sam Rao who was Head of Business Development and Large Deals at Oracle. Although, he understood healthcare, but the product deficiencies of Oracle was just not a great fit for running eHealthcare initiatives for the population of GCC countries. Later Sam and I collaborated to start out XY Clinics (an innovative nutri-genomics and diagnostics venture) in GCC and India and had a great run and exit

Flash forward: Many of Cerner and Oracle leadership in the US and Rest of the world either worked with me or had been a partner with me on some of the healthcare initiatives. One of them being Dr John Glassier who I also invited on my podcast QuoteUnQuote With KK.  


How Cerner Acquisition Helps Oracle and Vice-versa

Oracle has always had a weak presence in the clinical healthcare information management system. Although it has a great rooster of clients not only in the us but around the world. A mega-29 billion dollar deal will signal that Larry Ellison, Oracle’s founder is serious about getting a big leap into the healthcare sector once again. Its earlier acquisitions in healthcare were small and somewhere did not change Oracle in its ways of doing business with healthcare clients. Therefore Oracle Returns. In the post-pandemic era, as healthcare providers and Government healthcare systems, step up to spend more on their digital and clinical transformation, Oracle-Cerner would definitely be a very strong option. I am informed from my ex-colleagues and industry insiders that Cerner will be kept as a dedicated business unit within Oracle. This would be a very positive development both for Cerner and Oracle as independence of Cerner in the larger Oracle would be a critical success factor for this acquisition. As for Cerner, Neil vision and dream of taking Cerner globally as a leading healthcare information systems player will come true posthumously.

Wishing Oracle and Cerner All the Very Best in their combined journey!

Rx: Dr House MD : Bad Madicine?

Rx: Dr House MD : Bad Madicine?

Hurray! I finally completed watching all the Eight Season, 177 Episode Series of Dr. House MD last night. This was one of my wish list for 2021. In the past, I had watched some of the episodes but could not watch the full series. Over the last 350 days of 2021, as I watched through all the episodes of Dr House, I realized and learnt a lot about myself not that I am interested in medicine and healthcare, but as a person. Here are some of my learnings from Dr. House MD.

Statutory Warning

This blog may contain references to sex and nudity, substance abuse, or realistic/non cartoon violence and frequent strong language. Read ahead with extreme caution

Co Dependency

Everybody has co dependencies whether to substances, situations, surreal events, sapiens of human origin, society at large, etc. Not many are able to break this in their life to emerge stronger

True Love is not OTC Medicine

Not everyone has been able to find true love of their life as they has treated their love mate as an episodic medical event. Managing true love is like managing a life-long chronic condition

Hookers Polyescort is not a Relationship Transition Gap Binder

Loneliness and emptiness cannot be filled by hookers. They may relieve pain and the weight of your wallet in the short term but leave behind big hole in your wallet and your heart.

Pain in the Ass does not come only from Butt-Plugs and Suppositories

Some people can be a pain in the ass. But like Dr. House, look at their true intent in ragging you. They want you to succeed and improve. Don’t switch them off completely because you are pissed off with them.

Paternity Tests Still Do not Tell You Who You Are

Finding your genetic father still does not answer why you are who you are!

The Intuition Injectable

Talking of the pain in the butt, there are some who inject great intuition into the situation to solve the issue or guide the direction. Sometime they can be painful and overbearing and may not respect the hours of dedicated work and effort you may have put in with no results

Pediatric Morphism is not a Medical Condition

Being a child is not a medical condition. It’s perfectly fine to be a kid or behave childishly. You will not be diagnosed for a mental medical condition. Many problems are better solved when a kid. Play the pranks, its healthy

Hiring, Firing and ReHiring is not a HR Disorder

Word like talent, hire, fire do not exist for a genuine inspirational people leader. Talent will still flock to them inspite of their unstable and inconsistent people behaviour

Jerking is not always Masturbation

Relationship ejaculation does not always happen by jerking of people due to right reasons. Over mental masturbation will definitely lead to ED of true and sensible solutions and ideas

Dopamine High is not Always Hallucination

Day dreams or nightmares are not medically treatable if controlled on to a problem solving situation. Sometimes you need the dopamine high to break away from the situation to analyse it dispassionately to arrive at a solution

Game People Play is not a Medical Pharmacopeia

There is not prescribed drug list to treat games people play. Either face and challenge it or become depressed to consume anti-depressants to cope with it

A Surgery of Lies does not Cover the Wounds of Truth

People always lie. Sometime for the good. But they always. No drastic surgeries can cover up those lies to truth

Music is a Therapy

Like Dr House who played several musical instruments and also solved many medical cases and saved the lives of many patients, music was therapeutic for him and me. You can also see music when you are on drugs  

True Friendship is like Intensive Care

True friendship can only be nurtured when you take intensive care and measure and watch all the parameters like in the ICU

Walk through Life not using Carrot and Stick

All of us use stick to force our authority to walk ahead in life. Our fear and dependency on the walking stick makes us powerless and sidekick. How can you live a life without the crutches of a carrot and a stick?

house end1

New Mental Strings in Life! Keep Playing

New Strings in Life! Keep Playing

New Mental Strings in Life! Keep Playing

The Destiny is in Your Fingertips!

Many don’t know the miracles and health benefits of keeping your fingers in good shape. Here are seven key facts that you need on your fingertip about your fingertips.

Direct Connect to your brain

Like your feet, the fingers have millions of nerve endings that connect to the brain providing it with six different type of sensations as heat, tactile pressure, vibrations, texture, pain, and the position of the body in relation to its surroundings. This direct connection to brain of the fingers leads to stimulating and improving the neural functions of the brain. 

Detect Minutest of Objects

The touch receptors in the finger tips are so concentrated that even a thinnest of a pin of 0.2 mm can be felt. The fingertips are even more sensitive to dynamic (or in-motion) touch that you’ll find you have a whole new level of intuitive, precise control.

Feel Vibrations

Our fingertips can decipher tiny vibrations that are created when any surface meets them. Different structures create different vibrations based on the amount of friction and wrinkle width (which is how scientists gauge non-smooth textures) present on its surface. Fingertips interpret motion vibrations in order to assist touch.

Move Without Muscles

Our fingers have tiny arrector pili muscles, which can make the hair on the fingers stand up straight. The brain communicates directly to the fingers for movement

Move In Harmony With One Another

Because of this complex network of muscle, tendon, and bone, it is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to move one finger by itself. There are 29 major and minor bones, 29 major joints, at least 123 named ligaments, 34 muscles, and 48 named nerves in the hand—and they all work in conjunction with one another to make the fingers functional.

Communicate with Others

The fingers’ dexterity also supplies a vast well with possibilities for non-spoken language. Gestures and hand motions can also increase understanding among non-signing people

Our Aadhar (Identity)

It’s common knowledge at this point that no two fingerprints are alike, and because of this they’ve been used as personal identifiers for millennia—even our unique identification number (UID) uses our fingerprints.

Why the need now?

As I am getting older, I am seeing some of my friends and acquaintances parents suffer from Alzheimer’s, A type of brain disorder that causes problems with memory, thinking and behaviour. This is a gradually progressive condition. Some other mental degradation conditions include:

  • Dementia: A group of symptoms that affects memory, thinking and interferes with daily life.
  • Parkinson’s Disease: A chronic and progressive movement disorder.
  • Huntington’s Disease: A condition that leads to progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the brain.
  • Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease: Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, also called early-onset Alzheimer’s, or early-onset AD, is Alzheimer’s disease hits people between the ages of 30 to 65 years
  • Vascular Dementia: A condition caused by the lack of blood that carries oxygen and nutrient to a part of the brain.
  • Lewy Body Dementia: A progressive dementia that results from protein deposits in nerve cells of brain.
  • Multiple Sclerosis: A disease that affects central nervous system.

Over 1 million new cases of Alzheimer’s in India are appearing every year. This is a huge issue not only for the person suffering but also for the family members and care takers. I was wondering if the onset can be delayed or avoided. During the pandemic, I was witnessing many people falling prey to mental illnesses and that could further degenerate to Alzheimer’s if not properly diagnosed and treated. I wondered on the need for some solution to combat this during the lockdown and pandemic. I looked towards music.

My Experience with Music

From my childhood I have been musically inclined. Apart from singing I was exposed to various musical instruments. As I grew up I started playing the guitar and learnt strumming and composing as a hobby. Somewhere in between my busy work life I gave up. However, I encouraged my kids to take up playing a musical instrument. As they grew up, I realised that playing a musical instrument was therapeutic and help them focus better. During pandemic I took up to walking to remain fit and during my walks I would listen to rock music. This did help me in reducing my weight and remain calm and sharp while working alone in my office during the lockdown.

Another issue that I realised is that I am typing more and writing less. This is another reason that my finger tips were not being adequately used. To balance all this, I acquired a Yamaha acoustic guitar to connect back to music. How does this help?

There are several research papers on internet that tells how using the fingertips while strumming the guitar helps. Here are a few that I have felt:

  • Playing guitar helped to lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate as it is mentally calming. A recent BMJ study suggests the same heart health benefits.
  • Relieves stress and anxiety and reduces cortisol levels in me
  • My brain was sharper and memory clear. A recent study states, playing a guitar or any string musical instrument is helping to stave off degenerative diseases that are common in older people, including Alzheimer’s and dementia. In fact, seniors who engage in the kind of engaging mental activities like playing an instrument can reduce their risk of developing these conditions by up to 75%.
  • My creativity increased. Enough studies state that
  • Mathematical and numerical dexterity increased. It’s not that I am now going to sit for some competitive exams like CAT. But I could focus back on numbers
  • My vibrational energy significantly improved
  • Lastly, my interpersonal communications and relationships took a huge 360 degrees turn for the better

So it’s upto you. What strings you would like to pick up? Towards mental degradation or mental upgradation?

The destiny is in your fingertips.

That’s Lazer Sharp Vision, Literally!

That’s Lazer Sharp Vision, Literally!


Perfect human sight is the greatest gift that a man can get. Years ago, I remember on one of my Rotary Eye Camps in a village near Bangalore, an old lady came to the Eye Camp with the help of her assistant holding her and guiding her to take the steps due to poor vision. The doctors checked her eyes and gave her a pair of spectacles. On wearing the spectacles the lady was overjoyed and filled with tears. She could see perfectly which she had not for years. Her dependency on others and quality of life improved immediately. This incident bought emotional tears to all the people around her. Like the old lady, there are millions of Indians who have poor quality of life due to lack of proper sight as they cannot afford proper spectacles to correct their sight. I seem to be amongst the more fortunate ones who can afford the luxury of sight correction.

My Issues with Hypermetropia, Myopia and Presbyopia

As far as I am concerned, I have always tried to maintain my eyes inspite of long-distance sight (hypermetropia) correction from my teenage years. As I aged (presbyopia), the complexity of near-distance (myopia) reading and long-distance sight have emerged. My lenses that Essilor fitted to combine both of these into one lens in a spectacle resulted in near catastrophe while driving on the highway. As a result I preferred to maintain two sets of spectacle for hypermetropia and myopia. With presbyopia, I have to fit new lenses as the vision for hypermetropia and myopia keep changing. This means a new set of spectacles every year or so to maintain proper vision.

My Experience This Time Getting Vision Correction on Digital

Every year, I visit the optometrist around the festive season to get my vision tested and procure new set of spectacles and lenses as per the advise of the optometrist. Given the lock down situation, I thought of procuring the spectacles through the digital online platforms like Myntra, LensKart, Titan Eye and Amazon, etc rather than shopping for at the physical optician stores. I wanted to try out Lenskart as my daughter had bought two pairs of spectacle recently and was a very loyal customer of them. While all the catalogues of Myntra, Titan Eye and Amazon offered just the spectacles, Lenskart offer the spectacles and a zero-powered bluecut and anti-glare computer lenses fitted along with it. Similar spectacle designs on platforms other than Lenskart turned out to be cheaper as Lenskart was loading the price to the lenses additional. I needed powered lenses to be fitted at an additional cost and throw away the lenses already fitted with Lenskart spectacles.  

My WhatsApp Interaction and Talk with Amit Chaudhary of Lenskart

Pissed off with the experience, I WhatsApp Amit Chaudhary, Founder of Lenskart. That’s when I realized the business model of Lenskart versus other digital and brick and mortar opticians out there. Here are some of the excerpts of my telephonic conversation with him

  • Lenskart is the largest AR eyewear venture in the world
  • Over USD 150 mil of eyewear is sold by them through their platform and lenses are manufactured and fitted through their fully-automated robotic facility
  • AR technology and fully-integrated robotic manufacturing facility makes them the cheapest provider of eye wear in the world due to the scale
  • They are targeting a total addressable market of around 1.5 billion eyes in India
  • They are therefore integrated to provide the full solution of spectacles and lenses as operationally there are challenges of product warranty when customers buy spectacles from them and fit the lenses outside at a local opticians.

There is a stand out quotes that while talking with Amit that summarized their business model

“We are the Maruti of the eye wear business. Customers like you form the top 10% who are the Ferrari’s who would like spectacles not only for functional, but for esteem value”

I like the lazer sharp vision of Amit. As entrepreneurs like him who raise lot of VC and PE capital at some time want to dominate and move away from their core business model and value proposition in the pressure for growth, profitability and valuations.

Although Amit offered to service me as an exception, but that is not core to their way of working. Consumers sometimes miss out on this and crib and bad mouth the start ups on social media, missing out how these start ups are making the world better by offering sight to millions by being cheaper, better and faster. Remined me of the old lady in tears who could see properly and so did I on Amit’s perspective.

Kudos to such start ups which are bringing in technology and production techniques to reach scale!

QuoteUnquote with KK (Kapil Khandelwal) Season 2 premiers as the first podcast on Dailyhunt

India’s leading business podcast QuoteUnquote With KK (https://kapilkhandelwal.com/podcasts/) produced by healthcare and investment industry veteran, Kapil Khandelwal of Toro Finserve LLP was launched on Dailyhunt, India’s #1 local language content platform, this month.  This podcast organises a virtual fireside chat with thought leaders around the world on various current issues and topics across business, economics, investments and socio-politics. The show successfully completed its first season comprising ten episodes with global thought leaders Mark Mobius, Parag Khanna, Rajeev Peshwaria and Mark Kahn, to name a few.

Kapil Khandelwal, as quoted in his podcast, shared “we have been listening to our listeners and in next year’s season, we’re going to run QuoteUnquote with KK on 2 tracks – Healthy and Wealthy. Healthy because of what we have gone through last year, and Wealthy because without a healthy world we cannot become a wealthy world. So, these are two very intermingled issues. We have lined up star speakers from different areas in healthcare and investments and current events and developments. On popular demand, we are going to run this podcast on a fortnightly basis. Our team is very excited to give more to the audience demands and feedback. QuoteUnquote with KK is available on global platforms like Spotify, iheart radio, Amazon. The strategic idea of our partnership with Dailyhunt is to provide access to Indian audiences looking for premium, short-format content. Additionally, Dailyhunt users will also be able to access all my blogs published on various subjects.”

Umang Bedi, Co-founder, Dailyhunt says, “Our 285+ million users challenge and inspire us to introduce formats that improve their experience on the platform. Communities socialized over content last year like never before, and Indian audiences are absolutely entitled to premium and intelligent content, regardless of their location or their network. I had the privilege of hosting a talk show with business leaders on Dailyhunt last year, and taking from its success, I’m quite confident that KK will enjoy an engaging and stimulating relationship with our users.”

On the launch occasion, Kapil Khandelwal, Father of offshore Quant Fund Investing in India and Managing Partner, Toro Finserve LLP, said, “I am glad to announce that India’s largest discovery platform, Dailyhunt is now hosting QuoteUnquote with KK. This will take the virtual fireside chat to over 285+ million monthly users on the Dailyhunt platform. I welcome the audience of Dailyhunt and am looking forward to interacting with them, on the platform”  

Season one of QuoteUnquote with KK, with all ten episodes, is now available on Dailyhunt.

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Dailyhunt Announcement

In Preparation for QuoteUnquote with KK (Kapil Khandelwal) Season 3 (2022), partners with Hubhopper for India cross-platform strategy push

QuoteUnQuote with KK on Hubhopper

India’s leading business podcast QuoteUnquote With KK (https://kapilkhandelwal.com/podcasts/) produced by healthcare and investment industry veteran, Kapil Khandelwal of Toro Finserve LLP has partnered with Hubhopper, India’s largest podcast hosting and distribution platform.  The podcast reaches over 200 million listeners world-wide and organises a virtual fireside chat with thought leaders around the world on various current issues and topics across covid pandemic, self-growth, business, economics, investments and socio-politics. The show successfully completed its silver jubilee episode recently.

On partnering with Hubhopper, Kapil Khandelwal, commented “during 2021, with Pandora (not available in India) and some other platforms distributing our Podcast to English, Spanish and other foreign language listeners globally, our split of Indian and foreign listeners skewed from 90:10 in 2020 to 55:45 currently.QuoteUnquote with KK started with the intent to bring ‘outside-in’ perspective to our Indian during the lockdown on what the future holds, given the tremendous uncertainty amongst people, corporate executives and listeners. During 2021, India has demonstrated exemplary leadership in not only managing Covid situation and inoculating over one billion vaccine doses in the quickest possible time. Therefore over the last few months, we had been witnessing a steep rise in our foreign listeners whose interest in India has peaked. Our Season 3, will focus on the India success stories and continue the ‘outside-in’ perspective of the global thought-leaders focussed on India. We also need to address our core co-hort of Indian listeners who have been motivating us all along to produce such content. Moreover, our pilots with Zee5 and Dailyhunt as the first podcast on their platform to deepen our reach to the core Indian listeners has been very positive and successful and validates our cross-platform strategy we implemented for podcasts for the first time in India. Hubhopper partnership builds onto our experience to reach deeper to the heartlands of India and further execute our cross-platform strategy to introduce QuoteUnquote with KK on their platforms”

Gautam Anand Raj, Co-founder, Hubhopper says, “We are on the verge of a new dawn for podcasting in India with both creators and listeners adopting the medium as a staple within their daily routine. We are extremely proud to partner with QuoteUnquote in bringing their content to new ears across the country.”

On the launch occasion, Vani Garg, Associate Executive Producer QuoteUnquote with KK and Founder, Consoul said, “in the mobile first era, OTT transformed the video content distribution on demand with hyper personalisation shifting consumers from Cable/Satellite TV to their mobile phones. We are witnessing the same shifts with the consumers for authentic audio content which was predominantly on our FM Radio to cross platforms and podcasts on apps. Our strategy of distributing the original thought leadership audio content of QuoteUnQuote with KK is paying off. Consumers in India are not still mature for a Subscription Audio on Demand (SAOD) like Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) on OTT and we will continue to monetise our content through Advertising Audio on Demand (AAOD) like Advertising Video on Demand (AVOD) on OTT. We are witnessing a dire shortage of content for AAOD in India. QuoteUnquote with KK has an early mover advantage and a large following of listeners globally. Our partnership with Hubhopper further deepens on our cross platform strategy to reach out maximum Indian listeners on Jio Saavn, Hungama, Gaana, Wynk Music, mobile phone platforms such as Xiaomi Music, Jio Phones – KiaOS wallet platforms such as Paytm, PhonePe and in cab entertainment systems such as Ola Play, to name a few ” 

Season One (2020) and Two (2021) of QuoteUnquote with KK, with all 25 episodes, is now available on Hubhopper platforms.

Article in afaqs!

Why is India’s National Digital Health Mission is likely to succeed?

Why is India’s National Digital Health Mission is likely to succeed?


Last year the Government of India announced the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM). We were asked to review and comment on the draft as one of the stakeholders in healthcare. This inclusive approach to involve the various stake holders was never seen before. We believe that COVID-19 and NDHM has increased the pace of digital healthcare and can unlock USD 200 to 250 billion in next 10 years in terms of primary and secondary impact to the nation’s economic value. Such is the magnitude of the NDHM initiative for India. So will this succeed?

To understand the critical success factors for India, let’s understand some notable failures and learn from them. Also we need to learn from the currently ongoing Covid Vaccination Drive in the country that’s the largest in the world and the fastest that will cover over a billion people.

Notable Failures

We have several tech giants and countries that have invested and failed in rolling out digital health initiatives. Some of these that come to my mind are:

Google Health

I had written in my column on Why did Google Health Fail? (see text below)

Why Did Google Health Fail 1
Why Did Google Health Fail?

IBM Watson Health

Some of the insider views on the closure of IBM Watson Health (shut down on 31 Dec 2020) are as under:

  • Business call by IBM leadership – viability of the case in oncology
  • Muted doctor’s acceptance
  • 50:50 prediction accuracy of the algos
  • Wrong expectations set when initially selling the idea to the doctors and Manipal
  • Difference in clinical pathways of oncologists on the Watson output
  • Implementation was very complex due to the different oncology tumour and stage
  • Oncologists time to teach the system versus doing it by their own experience
    • Doctors believed that they were recruited to treat the patient and not teach the Watson
  • Limited use case of the system
    • More for research than for actual treatment and second opinion

UK NHS Spine Program

As part of the leadership team of one of the vendors involved in the UK NHS Technology initiative and also interacting with the Managing Director of British Telecom Healthcare that was leading the rollout in the UK of the NHS Spine, I gathered that the digital health (in those days-2007, this was not called digital health) in UK had a partial success. The reasons were multi-fold:

  • Exgaggerated benefits of the program
  • Botched up decentralized implementation at the different trust level
  • Multiple stakeholders with their wrested interest
  • Manpower and resources shortages
  • Multi-year delays and costs overruns
  • Poor change management and acceptance at the ground level with the clinical workers
  • And many more issues

African ICT and Digital Initiatives

As part of the Health and ICT Minister’s Panel for Africa, the major issues voiced by the Ministers from the African continent happens to be the disease of Pilotonomics. There have been multiple pilots of initiatives but none have actually fructified to be a mainstream as some of them have been abandoned by the sponsors and the donors as the budgets ran out

Have seen the failures across the Tech Giants, developed world countries and low income countries, the issues of failures are a myriad of technology, sponsorship, change management and end user acceptance.

Why will India succeed?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, India Government initiated a host of digital initiative (see blog Sustainability of Digital Health | Kapil Khandelwal (KK)). The most important being the roll out of the CoWin App for the vaccination of the citizens. For the first time on the world, a billion people would be mobilized through this initiative for their vaccination. With the pace and success of the initiative and the citizen acceptance, we will see that the National Digital Health Mission will succeed. Some of the positives that I am seeing include:

  • PMO and senior Ministers’ and Bureaucrats’ driving this Mission
  • Inclusive attitude to gather all the stakeholder’s voices right from the beginning
  • ICT framework and the National Telemedicine Act also being enacted bringing the decades of differences between the Medical Council of India (MCI) and various players to an end
    • Many doctors have actually started using Telemedicine during the lockdowns

Let’s not belittle the National Digital Health initiatives for shorter political gains!

Also read: Digital Health | Kapil Khandelwal (KK)

Republished Column: A Dose of IT: Why did Google Health fail?

Google Health is not going to be there anymore.

After its launch in May 2008, Google Health has gone through its chequered existence till the Google Execs announced, last week, to withdraw the product by end of 2011. As I epilogue, I will use the PESTC model to conduct the postmortem analysis on the death on Google Health

Politically, 2007-08 was a time when concerns around reforming healthcare reform were at its peak and a one of the key agenda items in the US Presidential war. Such rhetoric on healthcare and need to reform healthcare was politically echoed world over by many leaders. This political analyst wanted to get more bang for the buck on healthcare spend. This meant more business for healthcare ICT to create solutions to address the issues of healthcare access, costs, quality, outcomes and so on. Politically, it made sense for tech heavy weights to put their might in launching healthcare solutions and in this political back drop that Google Health was launched. However since then and Obama’s healthcare reforms bill, not much impact for many tech major’s who waged on healthcare and hence to reassess their decisions to throw their towels in.

Economically, this was the time for world’s worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Healthcare was seen as anti-recessionary. Tech major’s boardrooms and leadership strategy break outs discussed derisking and growth by enter social sectors such as healthcare, education and so on. Google’s board and leadership could not have been thinking differently when giving thumbs up to invest in healthcare business. However as many tech major now realize that healthcare requires long-term strategic vision and investments to stay in the game. Like many other tech major, Google has other investment priorities in other portfolios of their business such as android OS and mobile phones and devices, etc. It made sense for them to exit out of a sector that requires time and investments to change the way people and clinicians manage health.

Socially, the rise of social media is changing the way people manage information, communicate, exchange content and interact including their doctors and care givers. Google Health failed to capture this trend in their solutions.

Technologically, Google failed to learn from the failures of many others who failed in the past and replicated solutions where there are far more superior solutions and players in the field. Some major gaps, I guess alignment with doctors and clinicians is the first step towards creating a technologically superior solution that can align with healthcare consumers. Secondly, there were hardly any vertical partnerships in healthcare that Google went out to create an ecosystem. Lastly, Google did not integrate their other products such as Google Maps that could provide location aware services to the consumers on their health.

Consumers and competition, contributed to putting the nails in the coffin of Google Health. Google Health focused on one end of the healthcare value chain and did not believe in working in aligning the overall healthcare ecosystem. Moreover, consumers are moving towards mobile-based solutions on their smart handphones that Google Health failed to capture as a trend. Lastly, competition has far better ideas and staying power as health tech solutions is a long-term game.  

With Google Health putting down their shutters on their shop, what are the implications? Firstly, the spotlight now falls on Microsoft HealthVault. Analysts will now try to second guess Microsoft’s response to this development. Health is a very large opportunity that Google may not like to miss. It may come back with an acquisition sometime later.

Google Health, RiP!